The Reality of Imagination



Ever wonder what makes the stuff going on in your head any less real than the events that take place outside your body? How is it that the socially acceptable definition of “reality” applies only to all things external? After all, thoughts are things. They exist. They are real. And they are also the building blocks and energy source behind manifestation.

The truth is, all reality starts with the imagination: Physical reality is really the end result of a reality that started in your head. Nothing is more real than your thoughts; and once these thoughts take root and turn into beliefs, they have a life force of their own.

I’m not really going to get into HOW it works in this blog. Google something along the lines of “manifesting thoughts into reality” or “how does manifestation work” and you will get oodles of very good articles and write-ups on this subject. Research it. It’s fascinating.

What I want to discuss is the way we are conditioned to talk about reality and how our limited definition of what’s real is cock-blocking our ability to use our natural abilities to create magnificently fulfilling lives.

We are born to manifest. It’s sort of our job. But we’ve outsourced our job to fate, and it turns out fate is a terrible consultant.

So many humanoids only believe what’s “true” in this world is what’s “real”. Yet truth lies in the whispers between your intuitive and conscious minds, and this dialogue is as real as it gets for you: For YOU. Because what is reality but subjective perception? You are the common denominator in everything you experience, everything you perceive. Everything boils down to you and how you see the world.

So doesn’t it stand to reason that your imagination, which you can see very clearly and can provide just as much stimulation as your external world, is every bit as real to you?

If you are someone who gets lost in their head regularly, you know that all five senses, as well as your emotions, can be activated by your imagination. I mean, you’re really feeling it. Experiencing it. So how is this not real? Is it because no one else can experience what’s going on in your imagination along with you?

It’s when we are intrinsically connected to our subjective reality that we’re able to manifest it into physical reality. Daydreaming isn’t a useless pastime: It’s an essential tool!

You believe things into existence by experiencing these beliefs. You have to feel it like you’re living it — that’s where the energy is. You can desire love, and envision yourself in love, but the love you seek will elude you until you can actually feel the love and emit the frequency of love.

A full-fledged fantasy that gets your heart beating and cheeks blushing attracts a mate far more effectively than cutting out pictures of fake, happy couples from magazines and posting them on vision boards.

No, you need the power of your internal reality – your imagination – to cast you in the role of “desirable and loveable” and to create the energy that you want to come back to you via the Law of Attraction. You’re a magnet. Use that power.

Whether we recognize it or not, we are all teetering between two worlds, the external and internal. People who have cut themselves off from their internal worlds in the name of being realistic have cut themselves off from the magic of the Universe. They believe they are victims of harsh reality or bad luck, but they’re really victims of an underused imagination and broken belief system. They’ve given their power away and, not surprisingly, their lack luster lives reflect that.

What’s ironic is they tout the merits – the sheer necessity – of accepting this cold, hard reality with both condescension and devout fervor. (As if they’re somehow the poster children for happiness. Talk about living in a fantasy.)

Conversely, people with vivid, internal lives have a distinct advantage in the manifestation process. The dreamers aren’t dreaming: They’re creating the lives they want to live in full, vibrant color. They know the truth about keeping it real.



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One Response to The Reality of Imagination

  1. Tim says:

    Thanks. This is a very simple easy to use way of explaining how or imagination deliberate or otherwise works. Practice practice practice

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