Top 11 Attraction Distractions


You’ve written down your intentions in a journal. You’ve created vision boards. You’ve remained open to receive. You’ve believed it already has happened. You’ve imagined what you want is already yours. You’ve focused on the now.

And still nothing.

“Why isn’t the Law of Attraction working for me?” you cry. “It must be broken.”

No, the Law of Attraction isn’t broken. It’s always working. It brought you here, didn’t it?

You’re not doing anything wrong. You just need a little readjustment to your approach and understanding of the Law of Attraction.

To help you get back on board with taking a proactive stance in manifesting the life you know you were born to live, I’ve compiled a list of the Top 11 Attraction Distractions that most people wrestle with. See if you recognize yourself in any of these. Remember: Getting back on track is as quick and easy as changing your perspective.

AnythingPossible1. Too much action, not enough attraction

Conventional thinking has taught us that it’s a combination of razor-sharp focus, obsessive work and significant toil that leads to the realization of goals. And yes, if that’s how you believe success is obtained, that will work for you because your beliefs define your reality. However, this is not the Law of Attraction: It’s the Law of Action, and it can be exhausting and joyless.

The Law of Attraction doesn’t require you go through a certain amount of hell and back to get what you want. Beliefs about aggressively pushing your agenda actually stagnate ATTRACTION energy. You can’t be a conduit for magnetic attraction when your energy is constantly forcing its way toward your goals. Not to mention pushy energy also pushes your desires away.

Don’t get caught up in 18-hour workdays or feel guilty for enjoying your life. Instead, try balancing determination and belief with detachment and faith to get the manifestation machine operating at peak capacity.

2. Not recognizing how the LOA operates in your day to day

There are no rituals you need to perform, no mantras you need to repeat, no classes you need to take. Creating ceremony around the Law of Attraction is not necessary. You are already a Law of Attraction expert and your life is proof of that.

The song you’ve been humming all day is the first song you hear when you turn on the radio. The friend you were thinking about calls. That wrong turn leads you to an unknown place that makes or sells exactly what you’re looking for. That’s the Law of Attraction and you’re working it all the time.

Once you become aware of how the Law of Attraction is at work in your daily life, the better you’ll understand how to harness it to consciously shape your life.

3. Focusing the LOA on others rather than yourself

The Law of Attraction is not a magic wand you can wave to cast a spell on another person. With the Law of Attraction, you are both the attractor and the attractee: What you put out comes back to YOU – and no one else — in the form of an animal, plant or mineral of the same vibration.

You can’t harness the power of the Universe to control or influence another person because that person has free will. People are not cars, jobs or houses. They are just like you with their own desires, soul lessons and life purposes. Stop wasting your time and focus only on yourself.PushatLife4. Questioning Divine timing

Do you know how much rearranging the Universe needs to do in order to fulfill your desires? You need to understand that in order for your wishes to be fulfilled, timing must be right.

It doesn’t matter how badly you want something, only the Universe knows when the time is right. After all, you don’t exist in a vacuum and the Universe has to watch out for everyone’s best interest as it works with physical reality to make your desires manifest. There are so many variables to consider, so much cause and effect, we couldn’t possibly wrap our human brains around the wisdom of Divine timing. So don’t even try. Patience, grasshopper.

5. Unaware of your beliefs

Your life is a snapshot of what’s going on with your belief system. I know that can be a hard pill to swallow, especially when you are displeased with your current circumstances. Any belief that you need to force yourself to believe is not really a belief – it’s an energetic block. Anything you force creates resistance. If you feel you have to convince the Law of Attraction to give you something, you still haven’t convinced yourself that you deserve it or that it’s possible. It’s not resonating with you because it’s not a vibrational match with who you are. Get real with your beliefs before you accuse the Law of Attraction of forsaking you.Intuition

6. Disconnecting from your intuition

In a world where logic prevails, it’s scary to hand your trust over to your intuition. Whether we recognize it or not, we are all teetering between two worlds, the external and internal. People who have cut themselves off from their internal worlds, their gut feelings, in the name of being realistic have cut themselves off from the magic of the Universe.

Your intuition is your connection to your soul, and your soul knows what your purpose is here on Earth. It’s always guiding you through your feelings. Conversely, the ego is connected to the mind. The mind is good at navigating you through physical reality, but it’s your intuition that knows what kind of reality will provide you with a fulfilling, joyful life.

The Law of Attraction and your intuition are best friends. When you allow them to communicate, that’s when the magic happens.

7. Letting others plant seeds of doubt

Let’s face it: The Law of Attraction doesn’t exactly fit under the category of “traditional beliefs” (despite the fact that so many traditional beliefs incorporate the Law of Attraction!) You’re going to encounter naysayers and you’re going to have people tell you that the Law of Attraction is just New Age rhetoric.

When seeds of doubt are planted, they grow into nefarious weeds that overtake your garden of manifestation. That’s why it’s sometimes best to keep your thoughts and beliefs to yourself. Belief is a personal thing. Your relationship with the Universe is sacred and there’s no need to share the intimate details of your relationship.

Next time someone’s negativity attempts to throw you off course, recognize (to yourself!) how their closed-minded attitudes create blocks and lack of opportunity in their own lives. That should be enough to keep you firm in your beliefs.

YourWill8. Desiring something out of sync with your soul’s purpose

Silly humans. We think we know exactly who, what, where and when are best for us. Granted, we do have free will. However, if you are asking the Universe for something that is just an ego-fueled desire that does not serve our world and your soul’s purpose in some way, you’re going to be hard pressed to get the Universe on board with that.

When you focus on a specific outcome, you don’t see how your prayers are being answered in other ways.

The good news is the Universe is always sending you signs as to what IS the best course of action for you and your soul’s purpose. Pay attention.

9. Focusing on lack rather than appreciating what you have

What do we know about the Law of Attraction? For starters, the Law of Attraction responds to energy generated by your thoughts and beliefs. Secondly, like energy attracts like energy.

With that said, how do you expect to attract what you want by focusing on what you don’t have? How can you attract a life for which you are grateful by not being grateful for the one you’re currently living?

It can be a tough switch to flip, but once you start loving your life NOW you will find more and more to love about life in the near future and beyond.

10. Living in Fear of the Law

We’re so indoctrinated to believe that there are right and wrong ways of being and feeling in this world, and if we should go down the wrong path we will be punished by a higher power. The Law of Attraction isn’t that power: You’re that power.

The Law of Attraction doesn’t judge. It lets you decide how you want to think, believe and act by bringing it all back to you in the form of reality. If you don’t like your reality, change your thoughts and beliefs. The Law of Attraction is not in control: You are in control.

You don’t serve the Law of Attraction: The Law of Attraction serves you. You can’t screw up your relationship with the Universe or anger the Law of Attraction by not practicing it correctly or revering it properly. Instead, the Law of Attraction wants you to realize that fear will only bring more things to fear into your life. What’s the sense in that?

Lightenup11. You’re just not having fun

Sometimes it just takes a shift of perspective to get you to wake up and realize that this temporary visit on Earth called life is really a grand experiment. Why not take control of the process and have fun creating the life you want to live? After all, life goes on whether you enjoy it or not. Why not take pleasure in the ride?

The Law of Attraction is a gift that is every human’s birthright. There is joy in magic and fun in being a magician. And the more you enjoy what you’re experiencing, the more joyful your experiences become.

You’re always attracting, always manifesting. It’s your choice as to whether you want to fall in love with a life of your own creation. But it’s the right choice.

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One Response to Top 11 Attraction Distractions

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    talking about! Thanks

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