The Music of Manifestation



Ever hear a song playing in your head, over and over? You’re stuck on it all day. Can’t get it out of your mind. Then you turn on the radio and there it is playing. Yeah, that’s no accident: You attracted that song into your reality with your constant attention to it.

So why, you ask with frustration, does something like a song manifest – something you really could care less about – instead of that relationship or dream job that you’re trying like hell to manifest all day, every day? You’ve meditated on it. You created a vision board for it. You wrote a three-act play about it. You put sticky notes throughout your house reminding you of it.

And instead you got a stinking song.

What gives?

Because the song was effortless. You didn’t chase it. You didn’t attach expectations to it. It just flowed. You let the Universe know it was on your mind and it just came to you. The energy you put forth was easy and as a result it easily came back.

However, that thing you really, really, really want, is so important, so vital, so essential, so…. so freaking stressful. The energy surrounding what you want to manifest is tied up in such a tight ball of desire it’s become a behemoth boulder of kryptonite that not even Superman can penetrate.


You’re not trusting. You’re making it harder on yourself and the Universe to just allow it to happen. Your not chillin’ and going with the Universal flow. You’re not happily singing the song. You’re screaming through a megaphone. “Come to me, dammit!”

Remember: What you chase runs away. Demanding something, begging for something, is not the same thing as attracting something. Attraction is rather effortless. No one likes a nag, not even the benevolent Universe.

It’s tricky: You need to balance determination and belief with detachment and faith to get the manifestation machine operating at peak capacity. This is quite a feat for a race of beings who haven’t mastered talking on a cell phone and driving a car at the same time. It takes coordination and practice, but you really need to strike this balance.

So the next time you get frustrated with the Law of Attraction, think of the song metaphor. Joyfully sing the tune of your desires. Let the Universe hear you. It will join in when it’s ready. In the meantime, keep humming along. Eventually, what you want you will become the ear-worm the Universe can’t get out of its mind and it will harmoniously sing along with you.

This original Manifestation Manifesto Resonator Jewelry Pendant is available on Amazon. Just click on the image and it will take you there.

This original Manifestation Manifesto Resonator Jewelry Pendant is available on Amazon. Just click on the image and it will take you there.





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2 Responses to The Music of Manifestation

  1. Charles says:

    Hi Laura,
    The Law of Attraction has been made confusing as well as puzzling to me by other Guru’s & Teacher’s but you make a lot of sense to me.
    I’m so happy that I stumbled upon you Laura, but then again as you said on your welcome page I attracted this site to me because
    I’m ready to understand The Law of Attraction & how my thoughts and beliefs are currently shaping my life.

    Wow your post made me realize that I have been doing it all wrong & you hit the nail on my head, with the music of manifestation!

    I just realized that I’ve been making it harder on myself & the universe by screaming through a megaphone demanding & begging for abundance, wealth & things’ it’s not the same thing as attracting something.
    I agree with you & have learned the hard way: what you chase, demand & beg for runs away! “ouch”
    For now on I will just allow it to happen, I’m chilling now & going with the Universal flow.
    I will work on balancing determination & belief with detachment and faith to get the manifestation machine operating at peak capacity.

    the next time I get frustrated with the Law of Attraction, I will think of the song metaphor & Joyfully sing the tune of my desires.

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