What You Believe is What You’ll Receive

Why isn’t the law of attraction working for you?

If you need to ask then there’s your answer.

No, I’m not purposely trying to mess with your head. This isn’t some twisted riddle designed to give you an aneurism.

You’re focusing on not getting results, so the Law of Attraction is just bringing you what you’re focusing on: The belief that it’s not working for you.

Confused? You shouldn’t be.

The Law of Attraction is your faithful servant. Day in and day out it’s busting its ass working to match your reality with your beliefs. And then you have the audacity to complain that you’re not getting the results you want? Quite honestly, the Law of Attraction feels more frustrated and misunderstood than you do.

The Law of Attraction is the honest, straight shooter in this relationship: All it asks is that you just set your sights on what you want, emit the frequency of having what you desire, then it will manifest that desire into physical reality by matching your vibration. It’s been upfront with you the whole time about its role in this relationship.

You, on the other hand, are not so forthcoming — mostly with yourself. You say you believe in the Law of Attraction and you go through the motions of manifestation, following the “guidelines” laid out in the thousands of books and blogs out there on the subject. However, positive thinking and mantras are an exercise in futility if you don’t address your beliefs first.

The proof is always in the pudding. If you’re not getting the results you want then there’s a good chance that deep inside, even on a subconscious level, you’re hanging on to doubt and past beliefs about what’s possible.

So, just change your beliefs. Yes?


But there is some intense, honest soul searching that goes along with changing your beliefs. The hardest part is figuring out what you actually believe in the first place. Beliefs are such an integral part of our emotional and psychological makeup we don’t even realize we have them.Believe

The best way to gauge what you believe is by looking at your reality. Like I said, the Law of Attraction is a straight shooter. It’s not playing games. Your life is a snapshot of what’s going on with your belief system. I know that can be a hard pill to swallow, especially when you are displeased with your current circumstances.

Here’s a tip about beliefs: They come easy. Any belief that you need to force yourself to believe is not really a belief – it’s an energetic block. Anything you force creates resistance. If you have to convince the Law of Attraction to give you something, you still haven’t convinced yourself that you deserve it or that it’s possible. It’s not resonating with you because it’s not a vibrational match with who you are.

Here’s an example of what I mean. Say you’re pissed off with the Law of Attraction because you’ve been working like mad to manifest a committed relationship, but you continue to attract flakes and users. You need to sit down and have an honest talk with yourself. It would go something like this:

I want a relationship with a man who will commit to me, but the guys I attract are commitment-phobes. So instead of thinking that the Law of Attraction has forsaken me, I should instead take a good, hard, honest look at what I believe. I admit, based on this evidence called “reality”, that there’s a good chance I believe on a deep level that I am somehow not worth committing to. Another possibility is I fear commitment on a deep level. I need to address and change these beliefs so I can be a vibrational match to what I really want: A life partner.

Then once you believe in your very core that this relationship is a done deal and the Universe is conspiring to make it happen, you must let it go. Release and move on.

I know it’s tricky, but you need to balance determination and belief with detachment and faith to get the manifestation machine operating at peak capacity. It takes coordination and practice, but once you strike this balance, you’ll enjoy the manifestation process, and your life, a lot more. And remember: You can raise your vibration in an instant. But vibrations are born from beliefs, so get right with those first.


Wear this Resonator Jewelry pendant to remind you to trust that the Universe is conspiring to make your desires a reality.

Wear this Resonator Jewelry pendant as a reminder to believe that the Universe is conspiring to make your desires a reality. Click on the image to shop this pendant and other inspirational pieces.



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