Recognizing the Action in Attraction




I love words. I recently uncovered a hidden gem of truth residing in the word attraction: There is action in attrACTION.

See that? Look: AttrACTION. Cool, right?

And it’s so true! Attraction is about setting intentions and focusing your energy on becoming a magnet for your goals. Attraction action is following the trail that the Universe lays out for you that leads to your goal. It’s fun and rewarding.

Now look at the word “action” as it stands alone. There’s no attraction. It’s naked, incomplete and desperate to fill the void.

Action is chasing after your goals and watching your goals run from you as they’re being chased. Let’s face it, nothing likes to be stalked. It’s creepy. Not to mention it’s exhausting and reeks of fear.

Need more convincing? Fine. Let’s break it down.

Let’s start with the old stand-by of action, the concept of “dreams can only be achieved with a combination of blood, sweat and tears”. If we have a goal in mind, like hunters we go out and chase it down. Chasing jobs. Chasing lovers. Chasing dream homes, dream cars, dream bodies.

Don’t get me wrong, you may catch up, win the race and achieve your goals. People have become successful this way more often than not because this is how we’re taught to achieve. Shit, we’re taught it’s the ONLY way to achieve. It’s become a paradigm of the collective consciousness. Sorry, but suffering in order to achieve a goal is what turns people off from going after their goals to start with. Suffering is gross.

Like I said earlier, whatever you chase runs from you. Chasing is a result of not trusting, not believing, and being desperate for control. Those low vibrational energies slow down the process of manifestation. You’re not attracting. You’re acting, and your actions are counter-intuitive to attraction. So you may think that your go-getter attitude is going to result in quicker results but instead you are prolonging the process of manifestation by not inviting your desires into your high vibrational lair.

Trust me, I totally get the feeling of having a burning desire for something and doing what I can to get it. After all, I have Mars conjunct my Ascendant in Scorpio. (In case you didn’t know, I speak astrology as a second language.) Let me explain: Mars conjunct the Ascendant means I’m a maniac. With it in Scorpio it means I’m an intense maniac. OK, that’s not entirely true, however it’s enough to make my point.

And that point is I also have a lifetime of psychic, emotional, and physical scars to go along with my former “I’m going to fight my way to success” attitude. I’m proud of my achievements, however, I’ve learned that there is a better way to get where you want to go. Thank God Scorpio is a sign that’s good at transmuting energy and coming up with strategies.

My strategy is the Law of Attraction.

Now let’s be very clear: The Law of Attraction does NOT state you sit there like a lump and not do anything to make your dreams come true. Like I said, there is ACTION in attrACTION.

But the action in attraction is about putting your intentions out there then feeling and discovering your way toward your goals rather than pushing your way toward your goals. The Law of Attraction leads you toward your desired outcome with synchronicity, “luck”, hunches, coincidences – all of the stuff that we deem accidental and out of our control when actually they’re all very much a part of the grand design.

For those of you familiar with the Tarot, think of the Major Arcana card, the Hanged Man. (In case you didn’t know, I speak Tarot as a third language.) I used to hate getting that card. It meant the best course of action was to stop, sit back, chill, open yourself to inspiration and wait for the Universe to tell you when to act again. To me that was like being cuffed, read my rights and sent to prison.


Yet, now I realize that the message of that card is one of freedom and peace. The Hanged Man’s lesson is there is action in inACTION, and that’s attrACTION. It’s about being still, listening to your intuition, recognizing the wisdom of the Universe and knowing when and when not to act. This approach is far more rewarding than banging your head up against the wall, and is also very much in line with the Law of Attraction.

When you get the hang of attraction action, it becomes a fun game that you play with the Universe. You ask for signs, directions and the next course of action, confidently knowing that your request has been heard. Then it’s your job to actively pay attention.

Once the Universe delivers the help you asked for, ACT ON IT.

I recognize it can be tricky deciphering whether the flash of insight, the passing remark that got your attention, or the name you heard five times in one day is the answer to your request. It takes practice. You can always double check if you’re on the right track based on how you feel. Your intuition is your direct link to the Divine workings of the Universe. If something feels off or doesn’t sit well with you, then there’s a chance it’s not the right way to go. Conversely, if a decision or step toward something or someone makes you feel fabulous, then go with it.

Give it a try. Start with a small goal, not with an enormous dream that you consider to be a life goal. In other words, set out to attract something you aren’t emotionally invested in.

You want powder blue Doc Martens (do they make those because they should).

You want to see your favorite band live.

You want to see an old friend you haven’t seen in ages but you lost her number.

Put it out there. Then watch the magic unfold. Pay attention and take action when you are prompted by the Universe. Follow your intuition. Do what makes you feel bliss. Follow the trail. These are the ways the Universe communicates with you, and it will lead you to your desired outcome. Then once you see how the Law of Attraction can help fulfill rather small desires, you’ll have more confidence in its ability to fulfill the bigger ones.

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