The Law of Attraction Reads Your Comments

If you need proof of the collective pissed off-edness of the human race, look no further than the comments on a social media or blog post. Let’s face it:

It’s so much easier to take your hostility out on an anonymous stranger than to confront the boss who can fire you or a passenger on the subway who can punch you in the throat. Ah yes, we wear our computers like suits armor: No one can see you or touch you. No one can harm you. Except yourself. And that’s exactly what you’re doing.

We’ve all seen it, we’ve all been victims of it: People who are perfectly nice in real life who become scathing lunatics on social media. They will rip into you and call you every name in the book just because they don’t agree with you. They will come at you with the kind of ferocity that should be reserved for say, someone who purposely set out to kill their dog.

The Internet makes it easy to dehumanize each other. We just see a computer screen. Nothing forces us to make the imaginative leap required to understand there’s another person somewhere in the world who is receiving your hateful remarks and taking them to heart.

Why should you care? After all you don’t know these people, and you’ll never meet them. Right?

Well, if the fact that we’re all members of the human race isn’t a good enough reason, consider this: The Law of Attraction.

Words, even thoughts, pack as much of a punch as, well, a punch. Energetically anything that comes out of you with the direct intention to harm another person will attract the same treatment back to you. It doesn’t matter if you’re wrong or right in an argument, or if the other person is an idiot and deserves a good lashing. The Law of Attraction doesn’t judge. Humans judge. The Law of Attraction just maintains balance, and that balance is a direct result of your intention. If your intention is to hurt, embarrass or demoralize another human being, be prepared for it to come back to you. Oh, and it doesn’t necessarily come back to you in the same way. Instead of via the Internet, you can get it face to face, from someone you know. Just rest assured that your hostility will only attract more hostility.

The good news is you’re in charge of this vicious cycle. You can stop it as easily as you started it. That’s because intentions that are born of peace, love and kindness will attract that same energy back to you. Try it for a week and see how much more peaceful, how much nicer people have become. That’s no accident.

Granted, No one is asking you to be Mother Teresa: We’re not all modern-day saints who can turn the other cheek on a dime. But in order to evolve, we must make the effort to learn. If you feel the desire to lash out, or are in a bad mood and should probably avoid social interaction, recognize it and reel it back in. Go for a walk. A jog. Take a shower. Just stay off the Internet. If you read something that upsets you, just walk away and resolve not to let it take away your peace or anyone else’s.

If you should slip and tell someone off, you can always delete the nasty comment after you’ve come to your senses. And yes, deleting a comment is fine: It’s not an act of cowardice, it’s an act of taking back the bad energy that you set forth into the Universe. Also, an apology also goes a long way in raising your vibrations out of the gutter. A little humility goes a long way.

You can’t agree with everyone all the time and you really shouldn’t: It’s our contrasting views that lead to the expansion of the Universe. So instead of reacting defensively to what you don’t agree with, why don’t you try to understand what the person is saying? From what I’ve observed, I’d say that about 50% of Internet arguments are the result of reading comprehension problems: Either people read into a comment or article what they want to read into it, making up their minds through a filter of heavy bias, or they skim and react immediately to certain words, often taken out of context.

I feel that the more you recognize the power of the Law of Attraction and how it contributes to what manifests in your life, the more you’ll find yourself recognizing, then stopping, hostile behavior toward others online.

Just a warning: The more you awaken, the more backlash you’ll get when you slip. I’m here learning just like you, and I find that when I’ve been more sarcastic than I should have been with a comment, I get slammed back harder and faster than others. There could be a thousand comments far snarkier than mine (some downright rude and hateful) but I’m the one that gets pushed back on. That’s the Universe’s way of telling me that I should have known better. Believe me, I get the point. I either retract or apologize. The Universe doesn’t look for perfection, instead it rewards progress in the right direction.


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